A geeky girl

Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 19:21
          Many people believe that any girl who wears glasses is a geek. And most people believe that geeky girls are just boring and socially inept girls.
         On the other hand, some men believe that every geeky girl has a hidden secret.
         Is it true?
         I can't answer for the others but I guess I may have a secret or two hidden behind my glasses.
         I am still a shy girl but the relative anonymity of the internet helped me relax a little.
         So if you are patient enough, I may reveal some of my secrets here.

1 Responses to A geeky girl

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Reading from most recent backwards you seem like a very sexy young woman. One who knows herself very well - no pun intended - but one that knows what she likes, isn't afraid to share it, and very self confident. Also, a very intelligent woman - which is always sexy

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